How to write your simple html document in a minute

How to write your simple html document in a minute

This is a quick guide to shows you how to write your own simple html document in a minute. At any time you can select the "view source" item in the File pull down menu to view the source code of this html file. If your are the first time to use Mosaic , click the underlined Mosaic word in this paragraph.

HTML documents use tags to indicate formatting or structural information. A tag is simply a left angle bracket ( < ) follwed by a directive and zero or more parameters followed by a right angle bracket ( > ).


In HTML, terminating a paragraph with a single blank line is not sufficient. Each paragraph should be terminated by a paragraph tag -- < P > .

Individual words or sentences in paragraphs can be put in bold, italic, fixed-width or

Header format

by writing "< b > bold text < /b > ", "< i > italic text < /i > ", "< code > fixed-width text > /code > " and "< h3 > Header text < /h3 > " respectively.

Inlined Images

You can include some X bitmap or GIF image files in your html document by writing < img src="your_image_file" > . For example, I can include the following image in this documents.

Disney image

You may see more inline images examples in scenery pictures document at the CUHK WWW site.

Hypertext Links

The directive of hypertext link in HTML is "a", which stands for anchor. For example, a hypertext reference may look like this:

< a href="subdir/document.html"> some text < /a>

Besides html files, we can also link to

Other www site (e.g. CSD www ),

some images (e.g. Charlie Yeung, Campus, Gundam ),

mpeg files (e.g Star Treck ),

gopher site (e.g. IE gopher ),

ftp site (e.g. Engineering Faculty FTP site ), or

some UNSET news groups (e.g. , )

Please choose "view source" item from the File pull down menu to see the code for the above hyperlinks.

For more information of HTML files, you can refer to

Or you may refer to the best WWW sites of 1994

If you want to use MS word to create your html file, please refer to cu_html document.

Although I cannot cover every details of html in this document, most basic features of html has been illustrated in this quick guide. Writing html document is esay and fun. Why not write one for yourself?

This lousy html document is prepared by Alan S. H. Lam
Technology Support Centre ,
Department of Information Engineering , CUHK, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2609 8364 Fax: (852) 2603 5032