Workshop: Buffer overflow hacking technique

Title: Buffer overflow hacking technique
Date: 14th April 2004
Speaker: Alan S H Lam
Briefing Session:
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 (AM)
Venue: SHB 833 (seminar room)
Workshop Session:
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Venue: SHB 506 (Playpen Lab)


Buffer overflow is not a new hacking technique. Back in 1988, the original Morris worm had already used this technique to hack into 6,000 machines. However, buffer overflow attacks are still very popular nowadays. For example, the code red worm, Apache/mod_ssl worm, MS-SQL worm, and the recent Blaster worms, are all using the buffer overflow technique. This workshop explains the basic buffer overflow mechanism and demonstrates how we can use this technique to break into a system locally and remotely. No special technical background is required in this workshop. All are welcome. After the presentation, IE and INE students can apply guest accounts to practice some buffer overflow programs and hacking tools afterwards.
