In Memory of Prof. Xiaoou Tang (1968-2023)

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our esteemed Professor Xiaoou Tang on December 15, 2023.

Prof. Xiaoou Tang was a distinguished Professor in Information Engineering, an Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Engineering, and a co-founder and executive director of SenseTime. He was a pioneering figure in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Prof. Tang obtained his B.S. degree from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, in 1990, his M.S. degree from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, in 1991, and his Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1996. He joined the Department of Information Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998, where he established the Multimedia Laboratory in 2001.

Throughout his career, Prof. Tang achieved numerous milestones, including leading his team to win the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) in 2009. In 2014, his team developed a groundbreaking face recognition system with a world-record accuracy of 99.15%. He also founded SenseTime, which rapidly became a prominent player in the field of artificial intelligence.

Prof. Tang’s impact extended beyond his research achievements. Over the course of twenty years, he mentored and inspired a new generation of scholars in AI and Multimedia Processing, leaving a lasting legacy.

We are confident that his students will carry on the spirit and vision of Prof. Xiaoou Tang as they continue to advance the field of artificial intelligence.

We would like to convey our deepest condolences to Professor Tang’s family.

Obituary from Sensetime, Inc.

Funeral news from Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Mourning Professor Tang Xiaoou – The Office of Communications and Public Relations Office

In Memoriam of Prof. Xiaoou Tang – The Faculty of Engineering, CUHK

Multimedia Laboratory

70 responses to “In Memory of Prof. Xiaoou Tang (1968-2023)”

  1. QI Di

    After devoting your whole life to academics, may the peace be with you, Prof. Tang.

  2. Houhe Liu

    先生千古 懿德长存

  3. Anonymous

    May Professor Xiaoou Tang rest in peace

  4. Jayne


  5. Zikai Wei

    # Mourning Professor Xiaoou Tang
    Shocked by the tragic news of Professor Tang’s passing, a giant star has fallen; heaven envies the talented. As one of the former students from MMLab, I am deeply saddened and heartbroken. The last time I saw Professor Tang, we were discussing the application scenarios of AI in asset management and the further application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Fintech. May you dream of the world as you wished it to be.

  6. Yuheng Lin

    Thank you for bringing the remarkable contribution and immeasurably great influence to the realm of Artificial Intelligence, your wisdom will keep guiding us to the very next era.



  8. Anonymous

    RIP, Professor Tang. Your spirit will inspire us to forge ahead.

  9. Anonymous

    Your achievement shall be engraved upon human history, your name shall be remembered forever, may you rest in peace and find your seat at heaven.

  10. Yu Zheng


    愿一路安好, 汤老师千古。

  11. Chit To

    Rest in peace professor, your efforts are not in vain and our generation will carry on your legacy.

  12. HKU Student


  13. Anonymous

    先生千古 风范长存

  14. Calvin CK Chan

    It is really a sad news and a huge loss to IE Department and CUHK. Prof. Tang has been an asset to our IE Department, leading the Multimedia Lab to do top-notch research in artificial intelligence. He has been globally recognized as an AI expert and has made substantial contributions to the technological advances as well as the impactful applications. He has indeed inspired many students to perform good research in the AI area. His contributions will be remembered. I would like to express my deepest condolence to Prof. Tang’s family.

  15. Zhiyuan Chen


  16. Hongyang Li


  17. 普普通通的IE人

    雖然未真正意義上做過你的學生,但是感謝我在IE department,感謝有你。

  18. Anonymous

    May you rest in peace Prof. Tang.

  19. GC


  20. ZHU Weizhang


  21. 平凡的IE学生


  22. Intern


  23. Bill

    This is a huge loss for not only CUHK, but for the whole world. RIP🙏

  24. Anonymous


  25. Anonymous


  26. Anonymous


  27. Anonymous


  28. Anonymous

    Prof. Tang was a preeminent researcher with a particular talent for identifying students with high research potential and working with them. Everything other than research was almost a distraction to him. Prof. Tang was also very protective of his research group and his proteges in general, shielding them from dealing directly with bureaucracy and enabling them to maintain their focus on research. On the other hand, he would also shy away from the public limelight and let others get the credit. The greatest honor we can bestow on his legacy is to be among the global leaders in our research area and bring repute to our department. I hope that he finds peace and lots of time for research wherever he is right now.

  29. Changhong Zhao

    Prof. Tang has been caring and helping for the growth of young scholars. I remember the day two years ago when he came back to SHB and had a discussion with me about AI for smart grid. He encouraged me to start learning and collaborating in this area, which indeed has gained a lot. It is really sad that we lost him. May Prof. Tang rest in peace!

  30. Anonymous


  31. Leo

    Rest in peace prof Tang

  32. Sultan Alrasheedi

    My deepest condolences. May his soul rest in peace,

  33. 宫博庆

    前不久回国才和汤老师见面,音容笑貌宛在,谆谆教诲犹存,却斯人已逝!震惊,悲痛,难受。。我是2008年加入汤老师的MMLAB,在那里成就了两件终身大事:找到了老婆,确立了从事一生的科研方向。后来2011年申请博士,2012申请博士奖学金,2015申请教职,以及后来换工作,汤老师从未缺席,百忙中一直在默默支持,并在深度学习起步早期给我发来邮件:All in deep learning!凡此种种太多太多了,师恩难报情无尽!


  34. EC

    May Professor Tang rest in peace.

  35. CUHK Macc Student


  36. Ping Luo

    至今不愿意相信你已离开,看到你的照片就想哭。我在2011年来到IE系读phd,你手把手的改论文想idea跟进实验结果,我曾想自己何德何能可以得到你信任,至今也尽力把事情做最好不让你失望,从不曾想过你永远看不到了。女儿这两天看到爸爸偷偷擦眼泪,妈妈告诉她爸爸的老师去世了,女儿问我“你的老师叫什么名字”,我说“汤晓鸥”,她很乖马上记住了,会安慰我“汤老师可能变成天上星星,爸爸你再也不能学习了,因为没有老师了。。。”;今天下午不会打字的女儿在键盘上不断胡乱敲击,居然打开了浏览器显示出汤老师IE系的主页,我一下子忍不住了,感觉你又来到我们身边。。。 非常多的遗憾和后悔,后悔你曾经交代的事情没有做好,后悔为什么没有把孩子们亲自带给你看看,。。。 2023年12月17日23时16分。

  37. HKU Student

    You are my star. RIP

  38. 罗威


  39. Anonymous


  40. Xiangyu Yue

    汤老师,还记得第一次见您,是在2019年的ICCV,我去商汤的晚宴“蹭饭”,看到您在远远的台上跟听众们讲,那时的我没有勇气跟您交谈,更哪有想到自己将来能在离您如此之近的地方与您产生交集。后来是来IE系里给Job Talk的时候,您没有出现,我自己难过了好几天,觉得自己没有得到您的肯定;直到几天之后收到了您的电话,才知道您是因为比较忙,极其荣幸得到了您的认可和来IE系的邀请。来到IE之后,很荣幸您又愿意做我的Faculty Mentor,并给了各方面的大力支持和悉心指导。最后一次是今年夏天在上海实验室,跟您近距离聊天;共进午餐的时候,您跟我说了好多IE系的,MMLab的以前的事情,也问了我好多IE系现在的事情:系里面新来的老师的研究方向,现在港府的Funding状态,学生们的学习生活状态等等。您的谆谆教导、和蔼平和的音容依旧清晰。我是何等幸运,能得到您的信任,指导与支持。定牢记您的教诲,不负您所望!汤老师您一路走好!

  41. Kammy

    I want to share my thoughts on Sean’s family life. His love for his family is truly exquisite. He took a leave of absence from the University to work at Microsoft Office in Beijing, hoping that his wife and son would be taken care of by his family there. He once asked me not to give him any calls after 9:30pm in order not to disturb his family, especially his son when he was young.

    Not only Sean has made outstanding contributions to his research, but also make a great effort to rename the Chinese title from “訊息工程”to “信息工程” which makes it well known to all the students in Mainland China.

    Wishing the family peace during this difficult time.

  42. Ricky Ho

    I am really saddened by the news of Sean. Joined the IE department as young faculty around the same time, we shared some fun times when swam in Clear Water Bay, visited Shek O and the Peak, traveled to Macao, had hot pot, found apartment, … I still remember the nice young man, optimistic world view, and creative researcher. At this sad time, we may celebrate the life and great works of Sean.

  43. Raymond Kai-yu TONG

    I’m incredibly saddened to hear about the loss of Prof. Tang. Your contributions to the academic and AI fields have been immense, revolutionizing the world we live in. It’s unfortunate that you won’t be able to witness all the changes. May Prof. Tang rest in peace. It was truly an honor to have had the opportunity to work alongside you at CUHK.

  44. Changjie Lin

    汤教授千古,感谢您的言传身教!在 IE 读书期间,听过教授的教诲,讲话的内容已经不记得了,但是教授低调温润的讲话态度、谦逊严谨的治学作风依然历历在目。最后一次见到教授是在 2015 年 2 月,刚刚过完农历春节,在香港机场的国际出发大厅,我准备出差飞 SFO,偶遇教授在机场的麦当劳买午餐,想一想没有过去几年的时间,却发生了这么多的事。谢谢您 Professor Tang,我会努力、坚强!

  45. Anonymous

    Rest in peace, Prof. Tang.

  46. XING Zhenghao

    Gone but not forgotten, thank you for the great inspiration you bring to my generation, RIP Prof. Tang.

  47. Sunson Huang


  48. Jas


  49. Yizhan Dai

    Prof. Tang, you will shine like a star.

  50. Alan

    Rest in peace. Your impact and dedication will always be remembered and cherished. May your soul find eternal peace.

  51. 戴娟


    还记得2004年的夏天,当时还在电子所做暑假实习的我,去希格玛大厦您的办公室见您,因为科大师兄说有个香港的老师想要招学生,觉得我可能合适。见完面,您建议我大四从通信转图片研究方向,申请CUHK的MMLab,同时给我大四到MSRA实习的机会。当时的我稀里糊涂,CUHK很多申请的材料细节,都是您帮助我的,还跟我一起mock interview。MSRA CV组实习,您告诉我做研究开始要先读300篇论文。2006年,从CMU的ICML开会回来,我跟您说我想要做产品经理。您觉得放弃学术生涯很可惜,跟我促膝长谈3个小时,让我跟您讲什么是产品经理,还有之后3年的规划。听完后,虽然依旧认为走学术路径更好,但还是支持我的选择去找一份PM的工作。2007年,我的MPhil毕业答辩顺利完成,您过来告诉我,是您听过的最好的研究生毕业答辩。2009年,我跟您说我要去美国工作了,您说要照顾好自己。2014年,您跟徐立来湾区,我们一起看了好多好多的公司。你们俩兴奋的跟我说,开了一个公司,叫“商汤”,it’s time to make sense!2017年,我给您发消息,说要搬家回国了。您说,哪儿也别去,回来商汤一起做改变世界的AI。2018年,我跟达华一起开始做商汤教育,您告诉我们,一定要用心,做好的AI教育,让中国更多的学生们受益。



    戴娟,2023.12.18 上海

  52. Minghua Chen

    Xiaoou is a hero to many who have interacted with him. He is caring, enabling, charming, and has left a lasting positive impact everywhere he went. Working with Xiaoou was truly a privilege. May he rest in peace, forever remembered and cherished in the memories of family and friends.

  53. Stan


  54. CUHK IE人


  55. EE colleague

    RIP Prof Tang

  56. Hku student


  57. 商汤员工


  58. Wei-Hsin Liao, MAE, CUHK

    I was shocked to know about Professor Sean Xiaoou Tang’s sudden death. He was a wonderful colleague at CUHK! May Prof. Tang rest in peace. My condolences to his family.

  59. MIE一位最普通的即将毕业的本科生


  60. Z. L.


  61. LX


  62. SYSU


  63. SYSU student


  64. TK


  65. Liang Tong

    依然记得2003年初次见到您的场景。RIP Prof Tang.

  66. Bicheng Guo

    RIP Prof. Tang.
    Appreciate what you did

  67. HKUST CV Student


  68. Yaohui LIU

    I am a graduate of CUHK IE, and although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Prof. Tang, I have felt the profound impact he has had at all times in the college.
    His deeds, research results, and impact deeply and will affect me and many others in the long run.
    I would like to express my deepest condolences and wish you all the best.

  69. A Student from Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory


  70. 商汤员工乙
