Prof. YUE On-ching 余安正教授
Adjunct Professor (SMIEEE)
2003 . Present:
Visiting Professor, Department of Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Responsible for teaching and research in wireless communication, performance analysis and sensor networks.
2000 . 2003:
Director at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. Responsible for managing a variety of Performance and Reliability R&D activities in support of Wireless and Software Products. Currently leads the design of protocols and algorithms for UMTS, GSM, (E)GPRS, IS-95, 3G1X, TDMA wireless equipments and network design, and the technical contributions to standards bodies including 3GPP, 3GPP2 and IETF.
1996 – 2000:
Technical Manager at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Performance Analysis Department. Led a dozen Ph.D.s in the design of protocols and algorithms for Lucent.s UMTS infrastructure equipment, from physical layer for the air interface to the networking layer for the network. Responsible for managing a variety of R&D activities: design of random access for UMTS, development of power control algorithm for Wideband CDMA, prototyping of mobile-IP software, performance modeling of network and network elements for supporting packet telephony, performance and architecture evaluation of a circuit switch with loosely coupled processors including overload control and load balancing algorithms, design of call admission control for an ATM switch, algorithm development for pilot acquisition and finger assignment in CDMA terminal design, server design for LAN emulation over ATM. Two patents granted and 9 applications pending.
1994 – 1996:
Technical Manager at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Performance Analysis Department. Responsible for managing a variety of R&D activities: development of plans to migrate from current PDH technology to ATM/SONET/SDH infrastructure in the future, including SONET and SDH rings interworking, ATM transport across international borders, and the deployment of ring nodes and ATM equipments for global needs, design of system models for performance enhancement and self-organizing algorithms for IS-54/136 wireless systems, and the architectural evaluation of IP/ATM network elements for on-line services.
January – May 1995:
Part-Time Lecturer at Rutgers University, New Jersey. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department/WINLAB. Taught a graduate course on the design and analysis of wireless communication systems.
August 1993 – August 1994:
Visiting Scholar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (on leave from AT&T Bell Laboratories). Department of Information Engineering. Taught and conducted research in wireless communications.
Technical Manager at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Performance Analysis Department. Responsible for managing a variety of R&D activities: project management of Q+, which is a tightly coupled visual simulation tool; led projects in performance modeling and prediction of communications networks, computer systems and manufacturing processes; supervised the development of expert systems for configuring communication networks and diagnosing electronic circuits. In addition, research activities resulted in many journal and conference papers, and two patents.
Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Radio Communications Research Department. Studied the effect of interference on digital communication systems, including intersymbol, adjacent satellite, and multiuser (spread spectrum) interferences. The research culminated in ten journal papers and two patents.
Senior Engineer at General Dynamics/Electronics Division. Participated in the development of sonar systems and microwave imaging. Designed DC-DC converter circuits for power supplies.
Area of Expertise
Wireless Communications: CDMA, spread spectrum, multiple access techniques, power control, synchronization, geo-location, receiver design, wireless LAN, third generation systems (UMTS, 3G1X), mobility management, sensor networks.
Data Networking: ATM (Call admission control, LAN emulation), packet switch design, medium access control, mobile IP, transport layer protocols, QoS management.
Telecommunications: ATM/SONET/SDH networks, modulation, circuit switch design, call processing, packet (ATM, IP) telephony.
Computer Systems: Java-based user interface, client-server architecture, LAN/WAN, processor scheduling.
Artificial Intelligence: expert systems, heuristics.
Professional Activities
- Senior Member, IEEE
- ACM SIGMOBILE Executive Committee member
- General Vice Chair, ACM/IEEE Mobicom’98
- Communication Theory Committee Representative to MILCOM
- Session organizers for several ICC and Globecom conferences
Representative Publications
- O. Yue and G. Tricoles, “Enhancement by Non-Coherent Superposition of Microwave Images Formed with Crossed, Coherent Arrays”, Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Acoustical Holography, Feb. 1975.
- O. Yue and G. Tricoles, “Two Reconstruction Methods for Microwave Imaging of Buried Dielectric Anomalies”, IEEE Trans. Computers, Apr. 1975.
- O. Yue and G. Tricoles, “Preliminary Considerations of Microwave Holographic Imaging of Water Waves”, Proc. Int. Conf. Applications of Holography and Optical Data Processing, Aug. 1976.
- O. Yue, “Locally-Optimum Detectors for Signals in Additive Shot Noise”, Proc. 1977 Conf. Info. Sciences and Systems, Mar. 1977.
- O. Yue, “Series Approximations for the Amplitude Distribution and Density of Shot Processes”, IEEE Trans. Communications, Jan. 1978.
- O. Yue, “Saddle Point Approximation for the Error Probability in PAM Systems with Intersymbol Interference”, IEEE Trans. Communications, Oct. 1979.
- O. Yue, “Frequency-Hopping Multiple-Access, Phase-Shift-Keying System Performance in a Rayleigh Fading Environment”, Bell Syst. Tech. Journal, Jul. 1980.
- O. Yue, “M-ary PSK System with Adjacent Satellite Interference – Saddle Point Approximation”, Bell Syst. Tech. Journal, Sep. 1980.
- O. Yue, “Useful Bounds on the Performance of a Spread-Spectrum Mobile Communications System in Various Fading Environment”, IEEE Trans. Communications, Oct. 1980.
- O. Yue, “Hard-Limited versus Linear Combining for Frequency-Hopping Multiple-Access Systems in a Rayleigh Fading Environment,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technology, Feb. 1981.
- K. Eng and O. Yue, “High-Order Intermodulation Effects in Digital Satellite Channels”, IEEE Trans. Aero. Elect. Systems, May 1981.
- O. Yue, “Performance of Frequency-Hopping Multiple-Access Multilevel FSK Systems with Hard-Limited and Linear Combining”, IEEE Trans. Communications, Nov. 1981.
- O. Yue, “Time Compression Multiplexing of Multiple Television Signals in Satellite Channels using Chirp Transform Processors”, IEEE Trans. Communications, Dec. 1981.
- O. Yue, “Maximum Likelihood Combining for Noncoherent and Differentially Coherent Frequency-Hopping Multiple-Access Systems”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-28, Jul. 1982.
- O. Yue, “Spread Spectrum Mobile Radio, 1977-1982,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech, vol. VT-32, Feb. 1983.
- K. Eng and O. Yue, “A VCR-Based Access System for Large Pictorial Databases,” AT&T Technical Journal, Dec. 1985.
- O. Yue, “Performance of the Timed Token Scheme in MAP,” Proc. Globecom ’87, Nov. 1987.
- Y. Lirov and O. Yue, “Circuit Board Troubleshooting via Semantic Control I: Goal Selection,” Proc. Int’l Workshop on AI for Industrial Applications, May 1988.
- Y. Lirov and O. Yue, “Metadiagnosis,” Proc. 3rd IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Control, Aug. 1988.
- O. Yue, “Effect of the Token Holding Timer on MAP Performance,” Proc. INFOCOM ’89, Apr. 1989.
- Y. Lirov and O. Yue, “Cognitive Diagnostic Expert System for Circuit Pack Troubleshooting,” Proc. 3rd International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production and Operations Management, May 1989.
- O. Yue, “Delay Performance of the FDDI Media Access Control Protocol,” Proc. Int’l Conf. on Commun. Tech, Jul. 1989.
- O. Yue,. A Processor Scheduling Design for Gateways in Heterogeneous Data Networks,” Proc. 1990 Int’l Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, Mar. 1990.
- O. Yue, “Performance of the FDDI Protocol,” ORSA/TIMS 1990, May 1990.
- O. Yue and C. Brooks, “Performance of the Timed Token Scheme in MAP,” IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. COM-38, Jul. 1990.
- O. Yue, “Performance of a Frequency Hopping CSMA Packet Radio Network,” Proc. MILCOM ’90, Oct. 1990.
- Y. Lirov and O. Yue, “Expert Maintenance Systems in Telecommunications,” Proc. Globecom ’90, Dec. 1990.
- Y. Lirov and O. Yue, “Automated Network Troubleshooting Knowledge Acquisition,” Journal of Applied Intelligence, Mar. 1991.
- Y. Lirov and O. Yue, “Expert Maintenance Systems in Telecommunication Network,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems, Apr. 1991.
- S. Nanda and O. Yue, “Variable Partition Duplexing for Wireless Communications,” Proc. Globecom ’91, Dec. 1991.
- C. Funka-Lea and O. Yue, “An Object Oriented Approach to Visual Discrete-Event Simulation,” ORSA/TIMS 1992, Apr. 1992.
- O. Yue and V. Poon, “Delay Performance of Continuous Bit Rate (CBR) Traffic through an ATM Node,” Proc. MILCOM ’92, Oct. 1992.
- A. DeSimone, S. Nanda and O. Yue, “Cellular Networking Issues in Wireless LANs,” Proc. Globecom ’92 Workshop on Networking of Personal Communications Applications, Dec. 1992.
- A. DeSimone, M. C. Chuah and O. Yue, “Throughput Performance of Transport Layer Protocols over Wireless LANs,” Proc. Globecom ’93, Dec. 1993.
- Y. Lirov, S. Ravikumar and O. Yue, “Synergy of Expert Systems, CAD, and Logic Programming,” Chapter 3 in Expert Systems in Engineering Applications, Tzafestas (Ed.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- O. Yue, “Achievable Multiplexing Gains for Wireless PCS with Packetized Speech,” Proc. Globecom ’94, Dec. 1994.
- K. Peng, P. Cheng, and O. Yue, “OSAID – A New Operations Planning Tool,” Proc. Globecom ’94, Dec. 1994.
- M. C. Chuah, O. Yue, and A. DeSimone, “Performance of Two TCP Implementations in Mobile Computing Environments,” Proc. Globecom ’95, Nov. 1995.
- O. Yue, “Design Trade-Offs in Cellular/PCS Systems,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 34, Sep. 1996.
- O. Yue, “A Graphical Method for Cellular/PCS System Design Trade-Offs,” Proc. PIMRC ’96, Oct. 1996.
- O. Yue, “Effects of EM Waves Propagation on Wireless Communication System Design,” Proc. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Jul. 1997.
- E. Hernandez-Valencia, M. H. Ji and O. Yue, “Call Admission Control for Multi-Service ATM Networks,” Proc. IFIP Workshop on Traffic Management and Synthesis of ATM Networks, Sep. 1997.
- K. Sohraby, S. Lin, S. Schlough and O. Yue, .Analysis of a Distributed Switching Overload Control Using Semi-Markov Decision Process,. Proc. SPIE Conference on Performance and Control of Network Systems, Nov. 1997.
- B. T. Doshi, E. Hernandez-Valencia, K. Sriram, Y. T. Wang and O. Yue, .Protocols, Performance and Controls for Voice over Wide Area Packet Networks,. Bell Labs Technical Journal, Dec. 1998.
- Q. Zhang, M. Chuah and O. Yue, .Enhanced Power Ramping Scheme for UMTS Random Access Channel,. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Sep. 1999.
- M. Chuah, Q. Zhang and O. Yue, .Access Priority Schemes for UMTS MAC,. Proc. IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, Sep. 1999.
- T. Ozugur, M. Malek, K. Sohraby and O. Yue, .Multivariate Rate-based Overload Control for Multimedia Communications Traffic Over Hybrid Switch Fabrics,. Proc. IEEE Globecom .99, Dec. 1999.
- Q. Zhang and O.Yue, .UMTS Air Interface Voice/Data capacity . part 1: Reverse Link Analysis,. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, May 2001.
- M. Chuah and O. Yue, .Supporting Multimedia Services in UMTS Networks,. Full Day Tutorial, ACM Mobile Computing and Networking 2001, July 2001.
- W. C. Lau, W. Luo, H. J. Su, O. Yue and Q. Zhang, .Analysis of UMTS Radio Link Control,. Proc. IEEE Globecom .02, Nov. 2002.
- “SAW-Implemented Time Compandor”, Patent No. 4,356,353, Oct. 26, 1982.
- “Techniques for Cataloging Pictorial and/or Written Database Information on Video Tape or Disk”, Patent No. 4,652,733, Mar. 24, 1987.
- “Technique for Producing an Expert System for System Fault Diagnosis”, Patent No. 5,107,497, Apr. 21, 1992.
- “Arrangement for Automated Troubleshooting using Selective Advice and a Learning Knowledge Base”, Patent No. 5,107,499, Apr. 21, 1992.
- “Methods And Apparatus For Retransmission Based Access Priority In A Communications System”, Patent No. 6,400,695, June 4, 2002.
- “Method For Determining Label Assignments For A Router”, Patent No. 6,408,001, June 18, 2002.
- .Method of Communication in a Communications Network and Apparatuses therefore., Patent No. 6,515,994, Feb. 4, 2003.
- .Method for Providing Quality of Service fro Delay Sensitive Traffic over IP Networks., Patent No. 6,529,499, Mar. 4, 2003. (Honored as Bell Labs. 30,000th patent.)
- .Method and Apparatus for Overload Control of Multimedia Communications in a Hybrid Switching System., Patent No. 6,542,462, Apr. 1, 2003.
- .Method and Apparatus for Enhanced Power Ramping via Multi-Threshold Detection., Patent No. 6,587,672, July 1, 2003.
- .Methods and Apparatus for Random Backoff Based Access Priority in a Communications System., Patent No. 6,594,240, July 15, 2003.