The Information Engineering discipline deals with the generation, transmission, analysis, and use of information, data, and knowledge in systems for building a smart and secure information society. The comprehensive yet flexible curriculum unlocks a broad spectrum of career opportunities in various sectors, including:
- Data generation/coordination: Internet-of-things/Cyber-physical systems
- Transmission: Wireless and optical (beyond-5G) communications, computer networks
- Analysis: Artificial intelligence, big-data analytics, computer vision
- Processing: Multimedia, cloud computing
- Protection: Cybersecurity, cryptography, privacy, blockchain, e-payment
- Theoretical aspects: Information theory, signal processing, machine learning, control theory

Students have their interests, abilities, and career goals. It is essential to offer students the greatest flexibility to pursue their career goals by developing their specialties. The IERG programme offers five Streams of Specialization:
The BEng (Hons) Information Engineering is an accredited engineering degree programme by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
Our Programme aims to train our students to have a good understanding of fundamental knowledge and objectives. The following achievements are expected:
- Our graduates should excel in engineering and professional positions in industries and organizations that design, develop, deploy, or employ information systems, networks, and services.
- Our graduates should develop a global perspective of the impact of information engineering to commerce, industry, and society, and be able to contribute to or lead interdisciplinary engineering projects.
- Our graduates should continue their personal development through professional studies and life-long learning, and some will pursue and excel in graduate schools worldwide.
Programme outcomes define the graduate capabilities needed to achieve the programme objectives. In addition, the programme fulfills the requirements to maintain the professional accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The programme learning outcomes are defined to include all elements of the HKIE required outcomes. The following lists the 7 learning outcomes of the programme, and the HKIE outcomes (in parentheses) they encapsulate.
- Foundations:
Students will understand the fundamentals of mathematics, science, and engineering and be able to apply them to the design, analysis, and implementation of engineering systems. (HKIE Outcomes a, b, c, e, k, l)
- Breadth:
Students will have exposure to and understand the impact of other science and engineering areas as well as non-engineering areas such as social, economic, environmental, health and safety issues. (HKIE Outcomes c, d, h, i)
- Depth:
Students will be able to develop one or more in-depth specializations within the IE programme. (HKIE Outcomes a, b, c, d, k, l)
- Curiosity:
Students will appreciate the value of and develop the ability to lifelong learning. (HKIE Outcomes a, b, j)
- Creativity:
Students will develop problem-solving skills and the ability to innovate new engineering solutions. (HKIE Outcomes a, c, e)
- Integrity:
Students will understand the importance of professional, social, and ethical responsibilities in engineering practice. (HKIE Outcomes d, f)
- Communication Skills:
Students will develop the skills to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. (HKIE Outcomes b, d, g)
The Programme outcomes that describe what students are expected to know and to do by the time of graduation.
- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering appropriate to the degree discipline
- an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret data
- an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability
- an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
- an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
- an ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility
- an ability to communicate effectively
- an ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, especially the importance of health, safety and environmental considerations to both workers and the general public
- an ability to stay abreast of contemporary issues
- an ability to recognise the need for, and to engage in life-long learning
- an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice appropriate to the degree discipline
- an ability to use the computer/IT tools relevant to the discipline along with an understanding of their processes and limitations
The above HKIE Outcomes refer to the Graduate Attributes defined by HKIE for accredited engineering programmes, which are internationally recognized through the Washington Accord. Please refer to the HKIE website: http://www.hkie.org.hk/ for more details.