Prof. Yum Tak-Shing, Peter 任德盛教授
Professor of Information Engineering (FIEEE)
Recent Projects
- Fair Routing and Bandwidth Allocation for Packet Rings
- OVSF Code Assignment for UTRA
- Peer to Peer Networking Solutions
- Joint Congestion Control for TCP/IP Networks
- Architecture for IP over WDM
- Direction of Arrival Estimation
Representative Publications
A) RFID Technology:
- L. Zhu and T.S.P. Yum, “Optimal Framed Aloha based Anti-collision Algorithms for RFID Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communication, Vol. 58, Dec. 2010
- L. Zhu and T.S.P. Yum, “The Optimal Reading Strategy for EPC Gen-2 RFID Anti-collision Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communication, Vol. 58, Sep. 2010
- L. Zhu and T.S.P. Yum, “The Optimization of Framed Aloha based RFID Algorithm,” 12th ACM-IEEE MSWiM, Spain, 2009
- L. Zhu and T.S.P. Yum, “Design and Analysis of Framed Aloha based RFID anti-collision Algorithms,” IEEE Globecom, America, 2009
- L. Zhu and T.S.P. Yum, “A Critical Survey and Analysis of RFID Anti-collision Mechanisms,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 49, Issue 5, pp. 214-221, May 2011
B) Computer Networks:
- T.S. Yum, “The Design and Analysis of a Semi-dynamic Deterministic Routing Rule,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., pp. 498-504, April 1981
- T.S. Yum and M. Schwartz, “The Join-Biased-Queue Rule and its Application to Routing in Computer Communication Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Communications, pp. 505-511, April 1981
- J.C. Leou and T.S. Yum, “Analysis and Comparison of Buffer Sharing Strategies in a Message Switched Computer Network Node,” Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China, Part A: Applied Science, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 42-51, January 1983.
- T.S. Yum and et al, “Dynamic Scheduling Multiple Access Protocol: Design & Analysis,” National Science Council Monthly, Republic of China, Vol.XI, No.6, pp. 508-520, June 1983. (in Chinese)
- T.S. Yum and C. Dou, “Buffer Allocation Strategies with Blocking Requirements,” Performance Evaluation Vol.4, pp. 285-295, North-Holland, 1984.
- T.S. Yum and T.Y. Ngai, “Resequencing of Messages in Communication Networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun. Vol. COM-34, pp. 143-149, Feb. 1986.
- C.W. Chan and T.S. Yum, “An Algorithm for Detecting and Resolving Store-and-Forward Deadlocks in Packet-Switched Networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun. Vol. COM-35, pp. 801-807, Aug. 1987.
- P.C. Wong and T.S. Yum, “The Contention-Based Look-Ahead Reservation Protocol for Multichannel Local Area Networks,” IEEE Transaction on Communications, pp. 234-238, Feb. 1988.
- P.C. Wong and T.S. Yum, “An Integrated Services Token-Controlled Ring Network,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp. 670-679, June 1989.
- Y.W. Leung and T.S. Yum, “Efficient Algorithms for Multiple Destination Routing,” Intl. J. Digital and Analog Commun. Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 87-95, 1993.
- T.S. Yum and Monsong Chen, “Multicast Source Routing in Packet Switched Networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 42, No. 2/3/4, pp. 1212-1215, Feb./March/April 1994.
- P.C. Wong and T.S. Yum, “Design and Analysis of a Pipeline Ring,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 42, No. 2/3/4, pp. 1153-1161, Feb./March/April 1994.
- Eric Wong and T.S. Yum, “The Optimal Multi-copy Aloha,” IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, July 1994.
- Y.W. Leung and T.S. Yum, “A TDM-Based Multibus Packet Switch,” IEEE Trans. Commun.,July,1997.
- Xinyan Zhang, Qian Zhang, Bo Li, Wenwu Zhu and Tak-Shing Peter Yum, “MultiServ: A Service-Oriented Framework for Multihop Wireless Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp. 1146-1157, Vol. 23, No. 6, June 2005
- Cunqing Hua, Tak-Shing Peter Yum and Cheng Li, “Optimal Bandwidth Assignment for Packet Rings,” Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2007
- C.Q Hua and T.S.P. Yum, “Optimal Routing and Data Aggregation for Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Network, August 2008, Vol.16,No.4.
C) Video Distribution and Video Conferencing
- T.S. Yum, “Hierarchical Distribution of Video with Dynamic Port Allocation,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 1268-1274, August 1991.
- T.S. Yum and M. Chen, “Dynamic Channel Assignment in Integrated Services Cable Networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 42, No. 2/3/4, pp. 2023-2027, Feb./March/April 1994.
- T.S. Yum, Monsong Chen and Y.W. Leung, “Video Bandwidth Allocation for Multimedia Teleconferences,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Feb. 1995.
- Y.W. Leung and T.S. Yum, “A Modular Multirate Video Switch — Design and Dimensioning,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, pp. 549-557, Dec. 1994.
- Y.W. Leung and T.S. Yum, “Connection Optimization for Two Types of Videoconferences,” IEE Proc.-Commun., vol. 143, pp. 133-140. June 1996.
- T.K. Chan and T.S. Yum, “Analysis of Multipoint Videoconferencing under Reroutable Route-Configuration Assignment,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 1201-1219, Dec. 1998.
- G. Feng and T. S. Yum, “Multiparty Videoconferencing on Multi-Drop VP-based SONET/ATM Rings: Performance Analysis,” IEE Proc. Commun., vol. 145, no. 6, pp. 389-394, Dec. 1998
- G. Feng and T.S. Yum, “Traffic Analysis for Multiparty Videoconferencing in Virtual Path Based ATM Networks,” Int. Journal of Comm. Sys., vol. 13, Issue 1, 2000.
- G. Feng and T.S. Yum, “Bifurcated-M Routing for multipoint videoconferencing,” Computer Communications, vol. 23, pp. 362-370, 2000.
- Gang Feng, Chee Kheong Siew and Tak-Shing Peter Yum, “Architecture Design and Bandwidth Demand Analysis for Multiparty Videoconferencing on SONET/ATM Rings,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1580-1588, Oct. 2002.
D) Wireless Communications
- K.W. Hung and T.S. Yum, “Slotted Aloha for Multihop Packet Radio Networks with Multiple Directional Antenna Stations”, Electronics Letters, vol. 22, No. 19, pp. 1027-1029, Sept. 1986.
- M. Zhang and T.S. Yum, “Comparisons of Channel Assignment Strategies in Cellular Mobile Telephone Strategies,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technologies, 211-215, Nov. 1989.
- M. Zhang and T.S. Yum, “The Non-Uniform Compact Pattern Channel Allocation Algorithm for Cellular Mobile Systems,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, pp. 387-391, May 1991.
- T.S. Yum and K.W. Hung, “Design Algorithms for Multihop Packet Radio Networks with Multiple Directional Antenna Stations,” IEEE Trans. Commun., pp. 1716-1724, Nov. 1992.
- K.W. Hung and T.S. Yum, “Efficient Spreading Code Assignment Algorithm for Packet Radio Networks,” Electronics Letters, pp. 2193-2195, Nov. 1992.
- T.S. Yum and Wing S. Wong, “Hot-spot Traffic Relief in Cellular Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue in Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 934-940, July 1993.
- K.W. Hung and T.S. Yum, “The Coded Tone Sense Protocol for Multihop Spread Spectrum Packet Radio Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp. 51-55, Jan. 1994.
- K.W. Hung and T.S. Yum, “Staggered Multicast Protocol with Collision Free Acknowledgement in Multihop Spread Spectrum Packet Radio Networks,” Intl. Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 39-47, Jan.-March 1994.
- K. Yeung and T.S. Yum, “Cell Group Decoupling Analysis of a Channel Borrowing Based Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategy in Linear Radio Systems,” IEEE Trans. Commun., April 1995.
- K. Yeung and T.S. Yum, “Compact Pattern Based Dynamic Channel Assignment for Cellular Mobile Systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Nov. 1994.
- T.S. Yum and K. Yeung, “Blocking and Handoff Performance Analysis of Directed Retry in Cellular Mobile Systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. 44, pp. 645-650, August 1995.
- T.S. Yum and K. Yeung, “A new Quality of Service Measure for Cellular Radio Systems”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 610-614, Aug. 1997.
- K. Yeung and T.S. Yum, “Phantom Cell Analysis of Dynamic Channel Assignment in Cellular Mobile Systems,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., pp. 190-195, Feb. 1998
- T.S. Yum and Hongbing Zhang, “Analysis of a Dynamic Reservation Protocol for Interactive Data Services on TDMA-Based Wireless Networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun. Vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 1796-1801, Dec. 1999.
- Hongbing Zhang and T.S. Yum,”A Dynamic Reservation Protocol for Prioritized Multirate Data Services on DECT Air Interface,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. Vol 49, No. 2, March 2000
- Kwan L. Yeung and Tak-Shing P. Yum, “Fixed Channel Assignment Optimization for Cellular Mobile Networks,” IEICE Trans. on Commun., Vol. E83-B, No. 8, pp. 1783-1791, Aug. 2000.
- Kwan L. Yeung and Tak-Shing P. Yum, “Performance Analysis of Borrowing with Directional Carrier Locking Strategy in Cellular Radio Systems,” IEICE Trans. on Commun., Vol. E83-B, No. 10, Oct. 2000.
- Yang Yang and Tak-Shing Peter Yum,.Maximally Flexible Assignment of Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor Codes for Multirate Traffic,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., Vol. 3, No. 3, May 2004
- Yang Yang and Tak-Shing Peter Yum, .Analysis of random access channel in UTRA-TDD on AWGN channel., International Journal of Communication Systems,Vol. 17, No. 3, April 2004.
- Z. Shan and T. S. P. Yum, “A Conjugate Augmented Approach to Direction-of-Arrival Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, No. 11, Nov, 2005
- Yang Yang and Tak-Shing Peter Yum,.Analysis of Power Ramping Schemes for UTRA-FDD Random Access Channel,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 4, No. 6, November 2005
- Shan, Z.; Yum, T.-S.P, “*A conjugate augmented approach to direction-of-arrival estimation”*, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 53, Issue 11, Nov. 2005
- Y. Yang and T. S. P. Yum, .Multicode Multirate Compact Assignment of OVSF Codes for QoS Differentiated Terminals,. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2114~2124, Nov. 2005.
- X.R. Zhu, L.F. Shen and Tak Shing Peter Yum, “Analysis of Cognitive Radio Spectrum Access with Optimal Channel Reservation,” IEEE Communications Technology Letter, vol. 11, No. 4, April, 2007
- C. Hua and T.S. Yum, “Optimal Routing and Data Aggregation for Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks,” to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2007
- C. Hua and T.S. Yum, “Data Aggregated Maximum Lifetime Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, Feb 2007
- C. Hua and Tak Shing Peter Yum, “Asynchronous Random Sleeping for Sensor Networks,” ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, vol.3, no. 3, article 15, August 2007.
E) Optical Networks
- M. Chen and T.S. Yum, “Buffer Sharing in Conflict-Free WDMA Networks,” IEICE Trans. in Commun., pp. 1144-1151, Sept. 1994.
- Philip To, T.S. Yum and Y.W. Leung, “Multi-Star Implementation of Expandable ShuffleNets,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, pp. 345-351, Aug. 1994.
- K. Yeung and T.S. Yum. “Node Placement Optimization for ShuffleNets,” IEEE Trans. Networking, pp. 319-324, June 1998.
- C.M. Lee, C.C. Hui, F. Tong, T.S. Yum, “Network Dimensioning in WDM-Based all optical Networks,” Photonic Network Communications, Kluwer Press, 2000.
- Frank Tong, Tak-Shing Yum, and Chi-Chun Hui, “Supervisory Management and Lightpath Restoration for Wavelength Routing Networks,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 18, No 9, Sep. 2000.
- T.S. Yum, F. Tong and K. T. Tan, “An Architecture for IP over WDM using Time-Division Switching,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 589-595, May 2001.
F) Satellite Networks
- T.S. Yum and Eric Wong, “The Scheduled-Retransmission Multi-access Protocol for Packet Satellite Communication,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, pp. 1319-1324, Nov. 1989 .
- Eric Wong and T.S. Yum, “A Controlled Multi-access Protocol for Packet Satellite Communications,” IEEE Trans. Commun., pp. 1133-1140, July 1991.
- M.K. Lo and T.S. Yum, “The Tone Sense Multi-access Protocol with Partial Collision Detection (TSMA/PCD) for Packet Satellite Communications,” IEEE Trans. Commun., pp. 820-824, June 1993.
- Eric Wong and T.S. Yum, “In Search of the Minimum Delay Protocol for Packet Satellite Communications,” IEICE Trans. on Commun., pp. 508-517, May 1993.
- Eric Wong and T.S. Yum, “Delay Bounds for Packet Satellite Protocols”, Telecommunication Systems, vol. 7, no. 5, 1997
G) Queuing Theory
- T.S. Yum, “Measuring the Utilization of Synchronous Data Links: An Application of Busy Period Analysis,” Bell System Technical Journal, Vol.59, No.5, pp. 731-744, May- June 1980.
- T.S. Yum and H.C. Lin, “Adaptive Load Balancing for Parallel Queues with Traffic Constraints,” IEEE Trans. Commun. Vol.COM-32, pp. 1339-1342, December 1984.
H) Routing
- K.M. Chan and T.S. Yum, “The Maximum Mean Time to Blocking Routing in Circuit Switched Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 313-321, Feb. 1994.
- Eric Wong, T.S. Yum and K.M. Chan, “Analysis of the M and M2 Routing in Circuit-Switched Networks,” European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 6, No. 5, pp.613-620, 1995
- K.M. Chan and T.S. Yum, “Analysis of Adaptive Routing in Multi-rate Loss Networks,” Telecommunication Systems, vol. 5 pp. 341-359, 1996.
- G. Feng and T.S. Yum, “Efficient Multicast Routing with Delay Constraints,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 12, pp. 181-195, 1999.
- Eric Wong, Andy Chan and T. S. Yum, “A Taxonomy of Rerouting in Circuit-Switched Networks,” IEEE Communications Mag., pp. 116-122, Nov. 1999.
- Eric W.M.Wong,Andy K.M.Chan, and Tak-Shing Peter Yum,”Analysis of Rerouting in Circuit-Switched Networks,” IEEE/ACM Tran. Networking, Vol 8, No. 3 June, 2000
I) Disk Array
- K.H. Yeung and T.S. Yum, “Selective Broadcast Data Distribution Systems”, IEEE Trans. Computers, January 1997, pp. 100-104.
- K.H. Yeung and T.S. Yum, “Dynamic Parity logging disk arrays for engineering database systems,” IEE Proceedings on Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 144, No.5, September 1997, pp. 255-260.
- K.H. Yeung and T.S. Yum, “Dynamic Multiple Parity (DMP) Disk Array for Serial Transaction Processing,” IEEE Trans. Computer, 2001.
Recent Conference Papers
- X.R. Zhu, L.F. Shen and T.S.P. Yum, “Analysis of Cognitive Radio Spectrum Access with Optimal Channel Reservation,”, IEEE Communications Letters, April 2007, Vol.11,No.4.
- Z.L. Shan and T.S.P. Yum, “Precise Localization with Smart Antennas in Ad-Hoc Networks,” IEEE 2007
- X.A. Yang and T.S.P. Yum, “Minimal Waiting Time Assignment of Subcarriers and Power for OFDMA System,” IEEE 2007
- X.R. Zhu, L.F. Shen and T.S.P. Yum, “Hausdorff Clustering and Minimum Energy Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE 2007
- K.W. Chiang, C.Q. Hua and T.S.P. Yum, “Prefix-Randomized Query-Tree Protocol for RFID Systems*,” IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings
- K.W. Chiang, C.Q. Hua and T.S.P. Yum, “Prefix-Length Adaptation for PRQT Protocol in RFID Systems,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2006 proceedings
Message to engineering students
Engineering: We Offer Solutions
We let students achieve their highest potential and we do this by providing them a strong foundation in mathematics and science. There are engineering graduates working successfully
- as novelists, educators, entertainers and movie producers;
- as architects and bankers;
- as toy, fashion and interior designers.
These are, of course, in addition to the conventional engineering work such as
- building cars, trains, ships and planes;
- building roads, bridges and tunnels;
- building computers, cell phones and Internet;
- building surgical robots and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines;
- building internet platforms for trading, for making friends and for games.
Some big projects engineers built include
- petroleum exploration and refinery;
- Three Gorges mega-dam;
- steel refineries and
- rockets and spaceship for moon-landing.
The list is endless and the opportunities unlimited.